Bell Let's Talk Day $0.05 Donated #BellLetsTalk For Every Text, Call, Tweet, Facebook Share To Mental Health Programs

Wednesday, January 27, 2016
Bell Let's Talk Day
Today is Bell's Bell Let's Talk Day! For every text message, wireless and long distance call made by Bell Canada and Bell Aliant customers, every tweet using #BellLetsTalk, and every Facebook share of the Bell Let’s Talk Day image at Bell will donate $0.05 more to Canadian mental health programs.

Joining the mental health conversation on Bell Let’s Talk Day not only supports those who struggle with a mental illness, you also drive Bell’s funding just by participating at no extra cost to you. What a great way to support these issues!

This year's Let's Talk Day is the sixth annual, Bell Let’s Talk Day 2015 set new records for participation in the mental health conversation with more than 122 million messages of support, growing Bell’s funding for Canadian mental health by more than $6 million and becoming the #1 Twitter trend worldwide.

Click here for more details about this.

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