Update Shoppers Drug Mart Kraft Earn 8000 Bonus Optimum Points When You Buy 4

Sunday, September 09, 2012
This was the scene at my local Shoppers Drug Mart and at 2 other locations that I tried tonight. The shelves were completely cleared of the Cadbury Chocolate Bars that are 2/$4 and 8000 Bonus Optimum Points when you buy 4, click here to see the original post.

I know this offer is hot but people need to practice some restraint when there are deals like this. I see nothing wrong with getting as many as you want, Shoppers should be restocking the shelves but if there were 50 or 500 on the shelf people would still clear it. I spoke to one of the Shoppers employees today and they said that people were coming in and buying like 100 and some stores had to limit x number per customer. I will try a few more locations, being in downtown Toronto there are like 30 Shoppers that I can hit up, but it is frustrating because I wanted to use my Bonus Redemption on these.

Did you manage to get any?


  1. no, but this happens a lot in reg grocery stores I go to, drive all the way to the city and find mostly empty shelves. But in the winter when I only drive in once a month, I buy, or try to buy enough to last the whole month, so no way would I tell anyone to limit what they buy.

  2. I'm in Toronto and had the same issue, I did buy 4 at one location, then couldn't find anymore.

  3. AGREED! Leave some for the rest of us, I want Optimum Points too!!!!!!

  4. So people are just buying the chocolate bars to get the 8000 points? they are all gonna get fat lol.

  5. One page posted a photo. She bought close to 200 but insisted that she didn't clear any shelves! Hard to believe. I live in a rural area and have to drive at least half hour to get to stores that make these offers. It is frustrating to make that trip and find nothing left. There really should be limits.

  6. I don't agree with telling people to limit themselves. What is okay to you might not be to someone else and it seems silly to leave some for others when it is the store's responsibility to restock and plan sufficient stock. If I need 20, I take 20 and if the shelf is empty oh well.

    1. It sounds like the store cannot keep up though, I guess that is the issue. I said people should use some restraint, it's not an essential item, it's chocolate, and it's nice if everyone gets a chance to get some. I feel bad taking more than 10 of anything because there is only so much they can put on a shelf.

  7. IMO it's the people who gets loads that are saying there shouldn't be a limit and the ones that get none that are saying there should. What is a realistic amount? probably what the store is limiting people to. Did you find out what the limit was?

    1. I didn't find out what the limit was no. I pretty much gave up and left the store in a huff when I found out 3 stores in one night were all out. ;P

    2. Tonight I found one store out of 5 that I tried that had some, this same store had a limit of 4 per person/visit, so I got 4... after an entire evening of searching, it was unfortunate that I couldn't get more at that store since it's the only one in my immediate radius that had ANY, all shelves were cleared at the others that I tried.

  8. I got 100 million MWHWHAHAHAHA :)

  9. Conservative Canadian CouponerSeptember 10, 2012 at 1:22 AM

    When the matchups came out I knew that it was going to be chocolate kaos. Sites like ECM ought to be ashamed to make multiple bus trips to buy hundreds of chocolate bars that they claim many will be donated. Hello, let's add to the obesity rate and diabetic rate of the less fortunate people who use food banks. Meanwhile, SDM is basking in all of the free advertising from the couponers blogging away. Couponing has gone too extreme with greed.

  10. The real deal for me is on the chewing gum. I'll be giving out full size packs of gum for Halloween. They had lots of stock at the large store I visited.

  11. This is in the Shopper's Optimum terms of use. If I had purchased an extreme amount, I would be concerned about my points disappearing!! "Shoppers Drug Mart reserves the right to limit Shoppers Optimum Points awarded with respect to any offer or promotion to reasonable household quantities. If a Shoppers Optimum Member was awarded points for an offer or promotion in which a Member purchased product in excess of reasonable household quantities, the Shoppers Optimum Points awarded as a result of that offer or promotion may be forfeited without prior notice."

  12. Maybe you'll have better luck now that bonus redemption is over, I am betting that's when most people got their chocolate. Good luck!

  13. I'm surprised in my small community of less than 10,000 that people were buying 60. While I managed to get at least 4, I think there should be a limit so that it's fair. The limit doesn't have to be 4 or 8. Could be 20.

  14. now they are selling it on kijiji lot off adds all over canada even some mention also that they buy from shoppers drug mart

  15. i bought 617, but a pile of gum and made me a fortune.

  16. I managed to get 4 the shelf was pretty cleared out. I am saving my pts. for December's big bonus redemption. Since i can redeem 2x that is my method of madness but i have to agree there is no reason ppl should be that greedy. A 100 choc. bars is a wee bit excessive.

  17. I found a store that had some in-stock today, I've been to like 6-8 different SDMs in Downtown Toronto and only 2 stores.. yes 2 stores had any in stock, all empty shelves elsewhere. This particular store had no sign up saying there was a limit.

    I went up with 12 bars.. the cashier said there is a limit of 4. My options were to argue it, that there was no sign, or just let it go.I let it go because that's how I roll. So I bought 4, she also told me that IF I BUY MORE THAN 4, SHOPPERS WILL TAKE MY POINTS AWAY. Ridiculous I thought, plus she made me feel like I was doing something horribly wrong.

    I went back in the store and bought 4 more just to test this theory, with another cashier of course. Bought them no problem and the points are there. They could still take my points away after the fact I guess, but that would be silly. I've only bought 4 per visit. It just angers me that I have been going all over trying to find these, I've now bought 12 in total and I am made to feel like a criminal or something.

  18. why didn't anyone read the fineprint on this one. there is a max of 8000 bonus points per person for the duration of the promotion. So why did everyone go crazy and buy more than 4 kraft products? Your only gonna get 8000 points max no matter how may you buy!

    1. The 8000 max/person didn't take into effect until Sept 14, before that there was no limit. Although some stores had a 4/person bar limit per transaction, which my store did.


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