Freebies In The Mail Starbucks Free Holiday Red Cup + Goodies

Wednesday, October 23, 2013
We received our Starbucks Holiday Red Cup in the mail today from their recent giveaway (now over).

There was a lot of speculation about whether the "red cup" was going to arrive as a paper cup or a ceramic mug. Now you know, the red cup is actually a red paper cup, the same that you would get when you order a hot drink at Starbucks during their holiday season (their red cups start November 2). It came personalized with my name on it too, which was cute.

The best part of the package was the $5 Starbucks Rewards Gift Card that they included in there, and samples of Starbucks VIA Christmas Blend Ready Brew and Peppermint Mocha (I still have some Peppermint Mocha VIAs left over from last year in the cupboard, they are good, but only in small quantities in my opinion).

What did you get in the mail today? Let us know our on Facebook Page!


  1. At first, I was a tad disappointed to see that it was a paper cup but seeing the personalized name, and the $5 gift card really made it worth it! It's so so nice of Starbucks to do this :)

  2. wow, the page actually loaded for you? awesome. so nice of them to throw in the extra goodies... i knew it was going to be a paper cup but i was wondering are they really going to just send out paper cups, because that's really weird. but of course not! starbucks is amazing


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