My Shoppers Drug Mart Super Redemption November 30 #2

Sunday, November 30, 2014
Shoppers Drug Mart Super Redemption November 30
Here is my second Shoppers Drug Mart Super Redemption from this weekend. You can see the first one, which included beauty items here. 

This one was largely household and food items. We got a total of 43 items, $212 total, redeemed 95,000 points and got $210 off, out of pocket about $20 (which was mostly taxes).

We tend to buy and redeem the same stuff at Shoppers. This shop would of been a bit larger if I had used coupons with my items, but it's hard enough to keep on task when I am at the store, calculate everything before heading to the till, so I don's fuss too much over it

Wondering how I redeem so often? The trick is to 1) always have your Optimum card with you 2)Shop during the bonus events so that you get more points with your purchases 3) wait to redeem at the top levels during their bonus redemptions, they have one every 4 months or so.

What did you redeem during the Super Redemption Event? Let us know on our Facebook Page!

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