Deal55: Unhappy With Their Website? Let Me Know

Friday, April 15, 2011
I posted about Deal 55 some time ago, since then it has remained as one of my most visited posts on this site. There have been many comments left, people are quite unhappy with this website. People have said their money was taken and they received no gift cards, no customer service and so on. Well, complaining about it is totally fine, I encourage you all to have your opinions shown here and appreciate the comments. But now is your chance to have someone important hear your claims. As you may have noticed, I wrote about Deal55 once when they first launched, but have not promoted any of their deals following that, because I was unsure about the site and did not want to falsely suggest this site or recommend it to any of my readers. 

A rep from from the news contacted me recently and would like to hear my readers' thoughts about Deal55. They are doing some background work on the company.  If you would like, I can pass your information to her and she can contact you. Please leave me your contact information below in the comments if you would like to participate.


  1. I just wanted to let you know that I appreciate that you are letting people have their say here, and passing the information down to CBC. I never used the site either, but was weary for sure. I would of posted it just the same as you did cause it gets people talking, lots of people learned about your site from that post I am sure. And you said right in it that you have not used them before, so no fault on you, you knew as much as anyone else did.

  2. I called customer service and left a message to call me back. They did return my call and assured me that everything was on the up n'up with them. I would get my cards in the mail. So far, no cards in the mail

  3. I purchased 2 cards, and I have contacted thier customer service and I have not received an email in response or the cards. I did receive an email saying the deals tipped and I should be receiveing my cards, but nothign yet. If I don't get an email back from them byApril 20th, I am disputing the charges on my card

  4. I purchased 2 cards. One tipped and the other did not. Although I received the gift card for the tipped deal, my credit card was charged twice. I emailed customer support and their response was that I would receive the other card once the deal was tipped, however, the deal was already expired. I've tried to email back to further explain but am now getting no response. I then went to check the rules again, and they have now changed. When I purchased my deals, the rules stated they would put a hold on your card for the duration of the deal and your card would be charged only if the deal tipped. Now the rules say that you have to purchase credits to be used towards the purchase of deals but if your deal does not tip then your credits remain in your wallet. With these new rules, gets your money upfront no matter if your deal tips or not and you have to keep trying to get a deal to tip to get your money's worth. I can't find a phone number to call, so if someone has it I'd appreciate it if they could post it.

  5. HI
    I am looking for a phone number or email. I bought 2 cards, both have been charged on my credit card but I haven't received the gift cards yet. Any contact info would be helpful.

  6. They changed there rules to make scam seem more legit. This way you are aware up front that the deal will most likely not tip and good luck in future. You must keep in mind that they are in control of whther the deal tips or not. The first few deals only tipped because they were exposed as a fraud. They had no choice but to send out a few cards, I can say for sure that 50000+ gift cards where not sent out and that is what they claimed. They hope most people will forget about the money, so called credits, and move on. This is how any scam works online...I hope the truth is soon uncovered, I am more than positive that the fraud will be brought to surface if CBC news continues with the report. I was scamed once before online and vowed it will never happen again...Consumers must be made aware of all risks and this site is definitly a RISK!

  7. I sent an e-mail to after doing the online chat with their site. Still no refund though for the card I bid on!

  8. I sent a message to but still have not received a refund, although they did reply stating a refund would be processed. That was almost a month ago!!

  9. I also send a message to and also left a voicemail but haven't heard back. I have not received the best buy card I bought.

  10. If anyone of you want to be part of the news story, I will need your emails.

  11. anyone check the website today? regarding the walmart and h&m deals - the counter hasnt changed! :S being the idiot i am, i had bought those deals before researching. I called my credit card company and they said to keep monitoring my card and the site.. cus theres nothing they can do right now :(

  12. Justine my e-mail is and I can give you details of my experience.

  13. I bought bestbuy and shoppers gift card back in March 2011, and deal55 charged $100 off my visa. Left 3 voicemails, and 2 emails. No replies, and no giftcard in the mail. What should I do?

  14. 100% SCAM!! Dispute with credit card that is all you can is down now.

  15. credit card company will give you money back and go after deal55...they are currently under investigation.


Have any questions or comments? please post them below!